Ebola crisis: Nurse in Spain tests positive in first infection outside west Africa


Nurse was part of medical team that treated Sierra Leone priest who died in hospital last month after being flown to Madrid
Madrid hospital
The Madrid hospital where a priest with Ebola was admitted last month. Photograph: Luca Piergiovanni/EPA

A Spanish health ministry official has said a nurse who treated a missionary for Ebola has tested positive for the disease. Officials are awaiting the results of a second test to confirm what would be the first case contracted outside west Africa.

The official said the female nurse was part of the medical team that treated a 69-year-old priest who died in a hospital last month after being flown to Madrid from Sierra Leone.

The woman went to the Alcorcón hospital in the Madrid suburbs with a high fever and was placed in isolation. The official declined to name the woman. The health ministry will give a news conference later.

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