CSG ‘safe to proceed but stricter safeguards needed’


A long-awaited review into Coal Seam Gas extraction in New South Wales has found that the industry was safe to proceed but stricter safeguards need to be put in place.

NSW Chief Scientist Professor Mary O’Kane delivered her independent report to the State Government after 19 months of investigating the CSG industry.

The report said the Government should implement clearer laws and stricter safeguards to protect landholders.

Professor O’Kane said CSG projects were contentious but it was not likely to be more dangerous or damaging than other industries.

“I think we can have reasonable confidence that it will proceed well as long as the appropriate legislative and compliance regime and risk regime is in place, and we do monitor things really well as we can with the technologies that are available and becoming better available and becoming more cheaply available,” she said.

She has made 16 recommendations to the Government including making the laws clearer and appointing an expert advisory panel.

Opponents have raised fears that CSG extraction could pose a risk to water supplies.

But Professor O’Kane said drinking water would not be contaminated if the right technology was used.

“With the appropriate safeguards on the industry, yes they should be safe, just as you need appropriate safeguards on coal and other industries,” she said.

The report also advises the Government to set up an insurance scheme in case of accidents.

But Greens spokesman Jeremy Buckingham said the report confirmed the risks of CSG extraction to the community.

“It has found that it is likely to pollute ground water pollute surface water,” he said.

“That’s what the community fighting coal seam gas has always said and the Chief Scientist’s Report is vindication for them.”

Mr Buckingham said the report would put pressure on the Government to improve regulation of CSG extraction because it highlighted the risks to groundwater.

“Before any other coal seam gas is approved there needs to be a complete overhaul of how this industry in managed in NSW and those projects already approved should be immediately ceased,” he said.

Carmel Flint from anti-CSG group Lock the Gate also said the report confirmed their concerns about CSG.

“(It poses) very serious risks to both our water supplies and human health,” she said.