Baby dies from whooping cough


Health officials say the family of a baby that has died in the Hunter New England Health region from whooping cough is shocked and grieving.

The baby, who was not vaccinated, died last month.

NSW Health’s Director of communicable diseases Dr Vicky Sheppeard said it is a tragic reminder to parents to vaccinate their children.

Dr Sheppeard said babies should be vaccinated at six weeks, four and six months.

“It was the week before last and the family are obviously very shocked and grieving,” she said.

New South Wales Health says over the past five years, three babies have died from the disease and none were vaccinated.

Dr Sheppeard said vaccination is vital.

“The baby hadn’t received any doses of whooping cough vaccine,” she said.

“It’s really crucial that all babies receive their whooping cough vaccine on time.

“The first dose of the vaccine is given at six weeks of age, the next at four months and then at six months, and it’s crucial that babies have those vaccines on time to protect them as early as possible from whooping cough.”