Voluson E10 OB/GYN Ultrasound with World’s First Curved Matrix Electronic 4D Probe


baby ultrasound Voluson E10 OB/GYN Ultrasound with Worlds First Curved Matrix Electronic 4D Probe

GE Healthcare is releasing a new high-performance ultrasound system targeted at OB/GYN applications. The Voluson E10 features the eM6C, the world’s first curved electronic 4D ultrasound probe, and an upgraded version of the HDlive software. The probe is promised to provide high resolution with fast volume rates and better handling of artifacts. The combination of the probe and the new software can produce some pretty impressive volumetric imagery, as seen below of a twin pregnancy:

tumblr inline nc0fy6VkUU1qzgziy Voluson E10 OB/GYN Ultrasound with Worlds First Curved Matrix Electronic 4D Probe

The pair of “bubbles” in this image are actually a twin pregnancy. Each of the amniotic sacs has a 6-week-old embryo inside.

Voluson E10 Voluson E10 OB/GYN Ultrasound with Worlds First Curved Matrix Electronic 4D ProbeSome details of the new device according to GE:

The Voluson E10 is GE’s newest and most advanced Voluson system to date. Featuring the Radiance System Architecture the system provides healthcare providers*:

  • 4-times the ultrasound pathways for more improved clarity and allowing for spectacular 2D and 3D/4D images with increased penetration;
  • 10-times the data transfer rates for more speed and to give higher resolution and very fast frame rates
  • 4-times the processing power for more flexibility with advanced applications and efficient workflow.

“The electronic 4D technology may revolutionize imaging of the fetal heart.” Said Dr. Greggory DeVore, ‘”This eM6C probe offers diagnostic possibilities for Real-Time 4D imaging that helps reduce movement artifact. The new eSTIC technology conquers the limitations of resolution affected by the sweep angle and artifacts associated with color/power Doppler ultrasound of the fetal heart. This is the probe for physicians who are serious about fetal echocardiography.“

Press release: GE Launches new Voluson E10 featuring world’s first curved electronic 4D probe and next generation of HDlive…

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