Opposition Leader Annastacia Palaszczuk said a new Labor Government would make Townsville the North Queensland base for a new residential care centre for young people with severe mental health problems.

Ms Palaszczuk and Shadow Health Minister Jo-Ann Miller today met with community groups in Townsville.

“Labor recognises the huge toll that mental health issues can have on families, and the importance of having the appropriate level of care available,” Ms Palaszczuk.

“That’s just as important in the regions as it is in Brisbane, something Campbell Newman just doesn’t get. The arrogant LNP Government is focused on asset sales, building itself a new $2.6 billion Executive Building in the Brisbane CBD, and not on better healthcare or more jobs for Queenslanders.

“A Labor Government would establish a therapeutic residential centre for up to eight patients in Townsville, which would also act as a transitional facility for young people in North Queensland who may have to move into or out of treatment in Brisbane. “These local facilities will be available for patients living north of Rockhampton.

“It would complement a newly built Barrett Centre in Brisbane, which was closed by the LNP without any alternative put in place to help deal with youth mental health issues.

“As well as this transitional function, the Townsville centre will provide short-term residential care and a day program for lower acuity and lower severity patients from the surrounding areas. The model of care will include integrated specialist education services with dedicated teachers and teacher’s aides.

“Importantly, it would also include a family support service. This would mean two two-bedroom units that could accommodate visiting families of patients that live outside of Townsville.

“This is about putting in place the infrastructure and the staff to support young people with severe mental health issues before they can be moved to bigger specialist facilities that only exist in the south-east corner of the state.

“We want to get this right, which is why we will work with existing acute hospital-based services, local Child & Youth Mental Health Services, Headspace and other community youth mental health programs in Townsville and across the north of the state, as well as with James Cook University.

“The LNP’s approach to health services has been to cut jobs and cut services, while Tony Abbott’s Budget has flagged tens of billions of dollars of funding cuts into the future.

“No amount of LNP health funding cuts will make these issues go away, which is why Labor has a plan to deliver these important services.”