Labor raises fears of rising medical costs for ACT


The GP co-payment and changes to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) could cost Canberrans more than $60 million over the next four years, according to the Federal Opposition.

The forecast is based on figures specific to Canberra, prepared by the Federal Department of Human Services after a Senate Estimates request.

Labor Senator Kate Lundy said the increased costs would be roughly $170 in extra medical expenses over four years for every Canberra resident.

“These extra costs will have a meaningful impact on the family budget,” she said.

“Some worse-off Canberrans may even be forced to put off going to doctor or filling their prescription simply because they cannot afford the extra fee.”

The Medicare co-payment fee of $7 for GP visits, blood tests and X-rays was announced in this year’s federal budget.

Meanwhile, from next year, some patients will have to pay an extra $5 for PBS-subsidised prescriptions, while PBS safety net threshold amounts will also rise.

Liberal Senator Zed Seselja declined to comment on the Labor figures until the assumptions were understood.

“What I would say, is that for those who are concession card holders, the maximum they will be paying per annum for the GP co-payment will be $70 a year,” he said.

“That compares to the $550 a year that people are better off just as the result of one decision to abolish the carbon tax, something which Labor fiercely opposed.”

Senator Lundy said doctors were already reporting the proposed fee had affected appointment bookings.

“We are concerned that practices are already reporting a drop-off in appointments, with some practices resorting to texting their clients to explain that the fee hasn’t even come into effect yet,” she said.

“This disincentive effect on GP visits could contribute to putting more pressure on Australia’s health system in the long-term as health problems potentially get out of control and end up costing not only the patient more, but the health system more as well.”