School students at centre of measles outbreak in Melbourne


Three children have tested positive for measles at an Essendon school and a further two have suspected cases of the highly infectious disease.

Victoria’s chief health officer Rosemary Lester said all five children had not been immunised against measles.

The viral illness causes a skin rash and fever and can lead to serious complications including pneumonia.

Dr Lester said Essendon North Primary School had excluded all unimmunised students, staff, volunteers and visitors from the school for their own protection.

She said the outbreak reinforced the importance of ensuring children were vaccinated against infectious diseases.

‘‘Because the ill children have attended a range of places while they were infectious but not displaying symptoms, it is important for people in the Essendon area to be aware of the signs and symptoms of measles,’’ she said.

“The illness usually begins with common cold symptoms such as fever, sore throat, red eyes and a cough. The characteristic measles rash usually begins three to seven days after the first symptoms, generally starting on the face and then spreading to the rest of the body.

“Anyone developing these symptoms is advised to ring ahead to their GP or hospital and alert them that they have fever and a rash.’’

Dr Lester said those most at risk of catching measles had not been vaccinated, including many adults aged between 33 and 47 who may not have received the vaccine as children.

Also at risk were people whose immune systems were compromised including those undergoing treatment for cancer.

Measles is most commonly commonly spread when someone swallows or inhales the cough or sneeze droplets from an infected person.

The measles vaccine is currently included on the national immunisation schedule with two doses given to children between one and four years.