Senior mental health clinician to investigate WA FIFO deaths


The Mental Health Commissioner said there was no need for an inquiry into the causes of FIFO suicides.

The Mental Health Commissioner said there was no need for an inquiry into the causes of FIFO suicides. Photo: Dominic Lorrimer

The deaths of nine West Australian fly-in fly-out workers who took their own lives will be investigated by a senior mental health clinician.

Mental Health Commissioner Tim Marney told a public hearing on Wednesday that the apparent increase in FIFO suicides over the past 12 months was tragically not surprising.

Suicide is the single biggest killer of people aged 15 to 44 years old, while the average age of a FIFO worker is 38, Mr Marney said.

The FIFO workforce is also 80 per cent men, who account for four out of five suicides.