Meningococcal suspected in patient’s death


MENINGOCOCCAL disease is suspected as the likely cause of a female patient’s death at Warwick Hospital at the weekend.

But Darling Downs Public Health Unit director Penny Hutchison said the death was not cause for widespread alarm.

She said the bacterial infection was difficult to contract without close and prolonged contact with the patient.

Dr Hutchison said all those who had been in close contact with her had been followed up with the appropriate treatment.

“Obviously, this is a very distressing time for the family and our heartfelt sympathy goes to them,’’ she said.

The infection occurs when meningococcal bacteria invade the body from the throat or nose.

Although most people who have the bacteria in their throat or nose remain well, they can spread the germ to others, who may develop symptoms.

Symptoms can include a high fever, vomiting, fatigue, joint pain, a stiff neck and a purple rash that spreads quickly.

So far this year in Queensland, 23 people have been diagnosed with meningococcal disease, compared with 33 for the whole of 2013.