PBAC nominations invited


AMA members are invited to nominate to medical specialist positions on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee (PBAC).

PBAC has asked the AMA to nominate suitable members to be considered for future vacancies that may arise over the next 12 months or so.

PBAC positions are challenging, stimulating and provide an opportunity to contribute directly to pharmaceutical benefits policy in Australia.

PBAC is an independent expert committee that advises the Minister for Health on medicines in relation to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme. PBAC is required to consider the clinical effectiveness, safety and cost effectiveness of a medication compared with existing therapies.

AMA members who nominate must be able to interpret the comparative outcomes of therapy involving a medicine and critically appraise clinical evidence. Experience in health technology assessment and/or pharmaco-economic evaluation is also an advantage.

The AMA’s executive will assess nominations prior to forwarding them to the Minister for potential appointment.

PBAC meets three time a year for three/four-day meetings and may hold up to three additional one-day meetings. PBAC members currently receive an annual salary of $36,750 and all travel costs are reimbursed. Appointments are for four years.

Further information about PBAC can be found on the PBS website.

To nominate, please forward a curriculum vitae no longer than 2 pages (see sample) to gmorris@ama.com.au by Tuesday, 19 August 2013. If you have any questions, please contact Georgia Morris on 02 6270 5466.