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Measles case prompts Sydney health warning


A public health alert about measles has been issued after a person contracted the highly infectious virus in Sydney’s inner west.

Sydney Local Health District Director of Public Health Dr Leena Gupta says measles is a viral illness that is “very contagious” among people who are not fully immunised.

It’s spread through coughing and sneezing, she said.

“The first symptoms that people get are fever, tiredness, a cough and a runny nose, so very general symptoms,” she said.

“A few days later they get a rash that starts on the face and spreads over the body.”

Sydney Local Health District is urging anyone who has visited Leichhardt MarketPlace, Norton Plaza or the library during the last 10 days to be aware of the symptoms after an infected person visited these venues many times between July 15 and 24.

Dr Gupta said the person is now well, but would not provide further details.

All Australian children are routinely immunised against measles, in conjunction with mumps and rubella (German measles), in a vaccine commonly known as MMR.

Children receive the first immunisation dose of MMR at 12 months and the second dose at 18 months.

Dr Gupta said those at risk of infection are people born during or since 1966 who have never had measles and who have not had two doses of the vaccine.