Queensland: Latest industrial update for medical officers


Junior Doctors

There have been no objections received to the award changes proposed by the government and therefore these are likely to proceed in the commission this week with a new Award being made on 18 August. We have achieved significant progress in negotiations and will secure many of the MOCA improvements in this document. Overall, however, this document is not as comprehensive as the previous Award due to the legislative stripping out of key working conditions at the behest of the Attorney General.

Senior Doctors

As advised last week, there have been serious concerns about the lack of clarity and detail about the Contract Advisory Committee election process. On Wednesday I met with Queensland Health along with other representatives and the following has been committed to by the D-G.

The relevant dates for nominating and voting are to be amended as follows:

  • nominations must be received by the Australian Electoral Commission Returning Officer no later than 12 noon on Friday, 29 August 2014 and
  • ballots will be mailed to eligible senior medical officers and visiting medical officers from Monday, 8 September 2014
  • the ballot will close at 5pm Friday, 10 October 2014.

The department has confirmed the eligibility rules for each position of the Committee and these will published in the next day or so.

The department has confirmed that nominees will be entitled to have a statement published with the ballots however have placed restrictions on the content of these statements. The restrictions do not apply to communications on behalf of candidates by our union.

Together will publish details of the candidates endorsed jointly by the doctors unions and the Keep our Doctors taskforce.

It will also be important for doctors around the state to advise and feed back to the CAC nominees. Together will be involved in commenting on contracts at the CAC and at the sub-committee as a key stakeholder.

Please let me know if you are able to be a Together contact in your area and don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.

Contract show and tell

Don’t forget to send in a copy of your contract or email us the special terms you negotiated – many thanks to those who already have!