Young doctors in demand

The annual campaign to fill the state’s JMO positions starts today, writes Keeli Cambourne.

In the next three weeks NSW Health is looking to fill more than 3600 Junior Medical Officer (JMO) positions available in the state’s public hospitals and health facilities in 2015.

The annual JMO recruitment campaign, the largest of its kind in the state, begins today. Last year more than 47,000 applications were received for more than 3500 jobs.

Apply now: NSW Health is recruiting junior doctors from today.
Apply now: NSW Health is recruiting junior doctors from today. Photo: Andrew Quilty

NSW Health is continuing to grow the number of JMO positions to meet staffing needs and improve patient care. In the past three years the number has increased 2 per cent.

JMO positions are for doctors who have done at least one postgraduate year, and allow them to start specialist training in everything from obstetrics and gynaecology, pathology, dermatology, emergency medicine, and psychiatry.

In this year’s campaign, NSW Health is encouraging applicants to think about specialties in areas such as psychiatry, nuclear medicine and geriatric care.

As in past years, there is also a push for doctors to consider generalist rural training under the NSW rural generalist training program.

The program, which started in 2011, supplies doctors to rural areas and offers training in advanced skill procedurals.

Doctors can enter the program from their second postgraduate year and are supported to do procedural advanced skills as well as normal GP training, which then allows them to work in hospitals providing services such as anaesthetics, emergency medicine or obstetrics.

“It is a great career option for junior doctors who can choose to undertake a specialty area of training in anaesthetics, obstetrics and emergency medicine and each year the interest in the program is growing,” says Associate Professor Kathleen Atkinson, executive director of medical services for Murrumbidgee Local Health District.

“We also have an ongoing need for getting more JMOs in mental health, which is also a growing area. In Wagga Wagga we have just opened a 50-bed mental health unit and are now seeing more people coming through to do training in psychiatry. Aged care is another growth area both in the city and country, and general medicine practitioners who can cover geriatrics, respiratory medicine, kidney and renal medicine are also needed.”

Positions will be advertised from today (July 24) on the JMO website ( All applications must be completed online by the eRecruit system before August 14.

Professor Atkinson says it’s essential those applying for the positions read the criteria carefully and not leave applying until the last minute.

“The number of applications last year indicates that most people apply for more than one position,” she says. “Candidates should look at all positions and opportunities and not limit themselves either to one hospital, region or specialty.”

As there are so many applicants for each position, Professor Atkinson advises candidates do as much research as they can on each position to ensure they make a good first impression.

“Each position will have a contact person to whom candidates can speak to find out more about the position. There are FAQs on the JMO website to answer any questions candidates may have, otherwise a helpdesk is available,” she says.

“Sometimes there is a second round of offers but it’s best candidates apply for every job they want in that first round. NSW Health is keen to employ as many new doctors as it can.”

This story is part of an editorial feature on Junior Medical Officers. Content was produced without advertiser influence.