EUTHANASIA advocate Philip Nitschke has claimed a decision to suspend his medical licence was “politically motivated”, saying it would not change his plans to hold workshops around the country.
Dr Nitschke, a practising doctor of 25 years, was suspended during a meeting of the Medical Board of Australia on Wednesday night.
His suspension follows reports he helped a man to commit suicide, who had not been a clear candidate for “assisted suicide”.
The MBA said in a statement it had suspended him from medical practice to “keep the public safe”, as investigations into his role in the man’s death continue.
After the reports of Dr Nitschke’s involvement, the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency launched an investigation, which is occurring in parallel to the board’s inquiries.
But Dr Nitschke told ABC Radio this morning the suspension was “not likely to change one bit” his plans to hold more assisted suicide workshops around the country.
He said people would “still be coming in their hundreds, I would estimate thousands now”.
The investigation is understood to also be examining whether or not Dr Nitschke referred the man to psychiatric help before his death.
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