Briefing notes prepared in 2009 for former health minister Paul Lucas identified many X-rays not being checked properly


As an investigation commences into an X-ray reporting blunder on the Gold Coast, The Courier-Mail can reveal briefing notes, prepared for former health minister Paul Lucas in 2009, identified large numbers of X-rays not being checked properly.

While X-rays are checked by the treating doctor, specialist radiologists are also supposed to look over them as a safeguard to ensure more serious ailments are picked up.

“Each year, more than 200,000 radiology examinations in Queensland public hospitals are not reported by a radiologist or medical specialist,” the note to Mr Lucas said.

A memo from 2006 also raised concerned about dropping X-ray reporting standards at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, describing it as a “crisis” and calling for an immediate review.

Health Minister Lawrence Springborg has ordered an investigation into the most recent X-ray reporting blunder on the Gold Coast, which uncovered 48,000 X-rays had not been properly checked by a specialist radiologist since September last year.

Mr Springborg said current figures showed the problem identified in the briefing notes and memo had been brought under control statewide, but he said the investigation ordered into issues identified at the Gold Coast also had the scope to look statewide.

“It will actually look at not only there (the Gold Coast) but if there are any other issues that have remained largely unaddressed around the rest of the state,” Mr Springborg said.

Source: Courier Mail