ACT may consider legalising medical marijuana for terminally ill


Greens release discussion paper and draft legislation to allow the use of the drug by people with chronic or terminal illness

Medical marijuana
A jar of medical marijuana is displayed at a farmers market in Los Angeles, California on July 11. Photograph: David McNew/Reuters

Terminally ill Canberra residents will be allowed to use marijuana to ease their pain if a proposal by the ACT Greens is adopted.

Shane Rattenbury, a member of the ACT legislative assembly, has released draft legislation and a discussion paper for legalising medical cannabis.

But he will need support from either the Labor government or the Liberal opposition to get it through the territory’s legislature.

Rattenbury is hoping community feedback over the next couple of months will help sway the major parties.

“This is an issue that can invite a knee-jerk response,” he said. However, he said he was keen to have a sensible debate on the issue.

Under the proposal, the drug could be used by residents who are expected to die within a year, those with chronic illnesses such as cancer or Aids, and those whose doctors say cannabis could mitigate symptoms of continuing medical conditions.

Anyone wanting to use the drug would have to get a medical declaration from their doctor and apply for a one-year usage permit from the chief health officer.

The health officer would also issue permits to allow people to grow small amounts of cannabis for their personal use.

People convicted of a drug offence within five years could not apply.

The scheme is similar to one proposed by a NSW parliamentary committee in 2013 and does not set up any system for selling the drug or government quality control.

Rattenbury is taking feedback on his proposal until 15 September and is confident the Canberra community will support the scheme out of compassion for the sick.

“Let’s pass this legislation for the benefit of people who do have a terminal illness or suffer from chronic pain,” he said.

Rattenbury is a minister with the minority Labor government but is proposing to introduce the bill as a private member.