Health groups want kjs on the menu


Jane Martin said labelling would empower consumers to make healthier choices.

Jane Martin said labelling would empower consumers to make healthier choices. Photo: Louie Douvis

Health groups will make obesity a big issue in the lead up to the state election and are calling for mandatory kilojoule labeling for fast food outlets.

But the Napthine government has indicated it does not support moves to compel fast food restaurants to display the kilojoule content of their products. 

The Obesity Policy Coalition, comprising the Cancer Council, Diabetes Australia, VicHealth and Deakin University, will launch an election platform on Friday that urges the state government to reduce children’s exposure to unhealthy food advertising, and force fast-food chains to disclose the kilojoule content of their food. 


They are also demanding changes to planning laws, which would make health a planning objective and let councils reduce the spread of fast-food chain outlets in their communities.