AMA Mourns Tragic Loss of Lives in MH17 Disaster


The AMA joins with people around the world today mourning the tragic loss of hundreds of lives aboard Malaysian Airlines flight MH17.

AMA President, A/Prof Brian Owler, said that the AMA offers its condolences to the victims from many countries, including the 28 reported Australian victims.

“It is hard to comprehend that so many people could suddenly lose their lives in these unpredictable and unexplained circumstances,” A/Prof Owler said.

“Many families from many countries, including our own, have been touched by this horrific event.

“The medical community is also reeling from the news that possibly more than 100 AIDS activists, researchers, and health workers en route to the 20th International AIDS Conference in Melbourne have perished.

“Among those confirmed to be on the flight was the internationally renowned researcher and clinician, Joep Lange.

“The AMA pays tribute to Joep Lange, who has been at the forefront of HIV research and treatment since 1983.

“The dedication of all the lost AIDS experts and has made a profound difference in improving the life of those with HIV, particularly in resource-poor countries.

“The world has today lost many people who have played critical roles in the global fight against HIV.

“The AMA expresses its profound sadness and sincere condolences to the families and friends of all the victims of this catastrophe,” A/Prof Owler said.