GP co-payment elements could bypass Senate


By medical reporter Sophie Scott and Alison Branley

Experts have suggested the Government could feasibly bypass the Senate to introduce some elements of the Medicare GP co-payment.

Advice from the Parliamentary Library suggests the Government could use its regulatory powers to reduce the Medicare rebate paid to doctors by $5.

This could force GPs into a position where they have to charge patients to make up the difference.

However, if the Government did reduce the rebate using regulations, the Senate would still have the power to move a motion of disallowance.

It comes after Treasurer Joe Hockey warned he was ready to bypass Parliament and force through new spending cuts if Labor and the Greens did not come to the table on billions of dollars of budget savings.

The ABC has also learned the Australian Medical Association (AMA) will meet with the Treasurer and Finance Minister to discuss some of its other health budget measures.

The Government also has the regulatory power to raise the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme co-payment and make changes to the approved procedures on the Medicare benefits schedule outside of Parliament.

The office of Australian Greens health spokesman Richard Di Natale says their advice from the Parliamentary Library was that the Government did have the power to reduce the Medicare rebate.

The Senate, if it was against the rebate, would have to move a motion of disallowance to sink it.

Health policy experts have also confirmed to the ABC that it is technically possible.

The Palmer United Party, which has the balance of power in the Senate, has joined Labor and the Greens in vocally opposing the co-payment.

The Government would face a bigger challenge to introduce the remaining $2 of the $7 co-payment.

This requires legislative changes to the bulk billing incentives paid to general practitioners.

When the co-payment was last introduced in 1991, it was introduced in full as legislation and later repealed.

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