Spotlight on Australia’s Health: our weight continues to rise and our mental wellbeing is in decline – Roy Morgan Research


Roy Morgan Research CEO Michele Levine has today in Melbourne presented the latest State of the Nation Report with a special Spotlight on Australians’ Health. The report examines how Australians are faring across seven key health areas: smoking, alcohol consumption, nutrition, activity levels, illnesses, Body Mass Index (BMI) and psychological wellbeing. While we are making solid improvements in some areas, especially in reduced incidence and consumption of smoking cigarettes, we are getting fatter and more anxious. The Alere Wellness Index powered by Roy Morgan Research survey data shows an overall health gain from a base of 100 at the start of tracking in December 2007 to 101.47 as of March 2014. Of the seven subindices, we have improved in five: smoking, nutrition, activity and fitness, alcohol and medical conditions—but our BMI and Psych results are down.