The future landscape for living with HIV in Australia.


Three points to take away from the launch of the 7th National HIV/AIDS strategy. Thanks Richard Keane

1)  Retaining the ambitious and bold 2020 target for ending HIV. With regular and numerous testing campaigns and options for those at risk. 16.2 Million over 4 years to early diagnosis strategies. National approach endorsed by all states and territories.

2) Access to Anti-viral (HIV) medications through changing pharmacy dispensing act so people will wont have to travel to major Hospitals or Health centers to get their medications. (Great news for rural plwh.) You can choose your dispenser/chemist from 1 July 2015. although I feel some training around stigma will be needed.

3) Home testing kits. Plans to open the market to home test kits which will be approved to Australian standards. many people are importing test kits for personal use, but accuracy of some test kits has been questioned.

There were no hard copies to take away, but will provide a link to 7th National strategy when it becomes available.

National Strategies for blood-borne viruses and sexually transmissible infections

Source: Facebook