Summary of Right to Information on cuts to health services and health jobs in Queensland


The QNU has secured new information which gives a much clearer picture of the cuts to health services and health jobs in northern Brisbane.

Cuts to northside health jobs now come to at least 1431 positions abolished, including 731 FTE nursing and midwifery positions.

Cuts to northside services include cancer care, neonatal intensive care (ie. newborns with serious health problems), emergency medicine (including emergency care for children), surgery, and internal medicine (diabetes, asthma, emphysema, kidney failure).

These are just some of the major areas to suffer from the Newman government’s cuts to public health services. Click through the link below for full details.

Data is a summary of thousands of pages of QH staffing info obtained by ROI. Right to Information (RTI) responses as ay 18 June 2014- data incomplete for some areas.


Source: QNU