Some hospital patients in Townsville can now choose to be treated at home rather than hospital.


Patients who would otherwise require a stay in hospital can now be treated at home. A Hospital in the Home (HiTH) partnership was launched last year between The Townsville Hospital and Health Service and Blue Care. Between them, the two agencies provide high-quality nursing and medical care to selected patients in their own homes. HiTH coordinator Dr Michael Young said the service allowed for home visits up to three times a day for observations, intravenous medication, wound dressings and nursing care. “When people are comfortable and feeling better within themselves, they will generally be on the road to recovery more quickly,” he said. “The program has treated patients with clots in their legs and lungs as well as those with acute conditions including pneumonia, urinary tract infections, kidney infections and serious skins infections. “We can do IV antibiotics, blood tests, dressings, wound care and debridement all at the patient’s home.” Blue Care North Queensland operations manager Kerry Wright said the excellent relationships between Blue Care and the Townsville HHS had ensured the introduction and implementation of the service had gone very smoothly. To be eligible for HiTH patients must live within a 50km radius of TTH, have a working telephone and must live in a safe environment for nursing staff to visit.