Stafford LNP candidate Bob Andersen refuses to attend a health forum in the electorate.


Stafford LNP candidate Bob Andersen has refused to attend a health forum in the electorate tonight.

Queensland Nurses’ Union Secretary Beth Mohle said Mr Andersen’s last minute decision not to attend the community health forum had shocked and saddened local nurses, midwives and residents.

Ms Mohle said health was an imperative issue in the pending Stafford by-election. The by-election was called after former Assistant Health Minister Dr Chris Davis resigned due to disagreements with the LNP on issues including doctors’ contracts at local hospitals.

She said a civilised debate on health was essential ahead of the by-election.

“I am quite honestly shocked and disappointed Mr Andersen is not willing to attend,’’ Ms Mohle said.

“Health is a hugely important issue for Stafford which has both young families and an ageing population.

“Mr Andersen’s decision not to enter into a debate on health issues in the area is unbelievable – and disappointing at best.’’

Ms Mohle called on the Newman Government to provide an LNP proxy in Mr Andersen’s place.

“The health forum will run from 6pm to 7.30pm and if Mr Andersen is not willing to attend, I today call on Premier Newman to name a proxy,’’ Ms Mohle said.

“Surely one of the LNP’s 74 MPs is willing to give Stafford residents 90 minutes of their time.

“And if not, why not?’’

Ms Mohle said she had written to Mr Andersen to formally request a proxy and made the public call for Mr Newman to select a replacement this morning. She said all other candidates had agreed to attend.

The no-show follows the of Right to Information (RTI) statistics that show the State Government has cut more than 1400 hospital and health jobs on Brisbane’s Northside since 2012. The cuts include more than 700 nurse and midwife positions and have impacted the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital (RBWH) and The Prince Charles Hospital (TPCH) used by Stafford residents.

Local cuts include: Reduced access to Emergency Room (ER) specialists including paediatric, services for seriously ill newborns, reduced specialist care for residents with cancer, less Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nurses to provide critical support for residents in need, theatre nurse numbers significantly cut, reduced support for sufferers of diabetes, asthma, emphysema and kidney-related illnesses, reduced services for seriously ill or injured locals trying to recover at home.

Ms Mohle said locals wanted questions answered. She said all interested parties were welcome to attend the forum at the Stafford Bowls Club at 352 Stafford Rd between 6pm and 7.30pm tonight. To ensure adequate seating please RSVP to or 3840 1463.

Source: QNU Facebook page