More eggs frozen for ‘social reasons’


Melbourne IVF director John McBain said egg freezing was now becoming more common for ‘social reasons’.

Melbourne IVF director John McBain said egg freezing was now becoming more common for ‘social reasons’.

About 150 women have frozen their eggs for non-medical reasons at a Melbourne IVF clinic over the past 15 years –  but only 15 women have returned to use them.

The low return rate has prompted researchers to study their cases to help inform other women contemplating egg storage.

Melbourne IVF director John McBain said egg freezing had long been an option for women wanting to preserve their fertility ahead of cancer treatment, but was now becoming more common for ‘‘social reasons’’ – particularly single women concerned they may not meet a partner until later in life.

Associate Professor McBain said a new study would invite women who had frozen their eggs at Melbourne IVF for social reasons to share their experiences, including what led them to store eggs and why they may not have gone on to use them.