Mental illness does not mean a lifetime on welfare, says Jeff Kennett


Jeff Kennett

Having a mental illness should not be an “automatic entry” to a lifetime of welfare support, according to Jeff Kennett. Photo: Jesse Marlow

Having a mental illness should not be an ”automatic entry” to a lifetime of welfare support Beyondblue chairman Jeff Kennett has said, embracing a federal government proposal to shift more people with mental illness into work.

Patrick McClure’s discussion paper on welfare, released on Sunday, suggests that only people with a permanent impairment and no capacity to work should receive the Disability Support Pension.

While the paper not define ”permanent” disability, both Mr McClure and Social Services Minister Kevin Andrews have said that many mental health conditions are ”episodic” in nature.

The paper also says that people with mental illness have ”better life outcomes” if they maintain some workforce participation and that more could be done to support them to work.