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Medical marijuana bid builds


THE State Government will today be lobbied to trial medical marijuana in Tasmania, while the state’s peak medical body say they are doubtful they would support such tests.

Australian Medical Association state president Dr Tim Greenaway said that ultimately its position would be decided at a federal level but it was his “own belief that it’s doubtful they would support trials”.

“The AMA has major concerns about the use of medicinal marijuana as it is the third most addictive drug and is also associated with mental health issues,” he said.

“While there is anecdotal evidence it can be helpful for people with significant nausea associated with chemotherapy more evidence is needed.”

Tasman Health Cannabinoids will today meet state Health Minister Michael Ferguson to discuss running medical trials through the University of Tasmania.

A delegation including New South Wales MPs and representatives of the local company will meet the Government to discuss a clinical study.

Mr Ferguson has said while he would not legalise cannabis for recreational use, he was open to the health benefits of medical cannabinoids.

The group will also meet for discussions with other stakeholders later in the week.

The Tasmanian Greens say they will move to establish a parliamentary committee inquiry into the potential legalisation of medicinal cannabis.

Greens health spokesman Cassy O’Connor said the party had long supported the idea.