Beyondblue launches an app to help youth with depression


IT is now easier for young people to check-in with friends who may be experiencing depression or anxiety.

Beyondblue has today launched a new app called The Check-in which lets young people choose options to construct a unique, step-by-step plan for approaching a friend they are worried about.

A screenshot of the new Beyondblue app.A screenshot of the new Beyondblue app. Contributed

The app provides a range of things young people can say to their friend, and where and when they can say it, along with tips from other young people who’ve reached out to a friend.

Users are also able to review how their planned conversation went, set reminders to follow up with their friend, and access ideas about what to do next, particularly if things didn’t go well.

Beyondblue acting CEO Dr Brian Graetz said young people often avoid asking friends if they are going through a difficult time because they’re afraid they’ll say the wrong thing or make the situation worse.

“The Check-in App is designed to take the fear out of talking to a friend about why they seem down or stressed, or have stopped doing things that they usually enjoy,” he said.

“Research shows that one in four young people aged 16 to 24 will experience a mental illness, but only a quarter of those will seek support from a health professional. This is extremely worrying, as suicide is the biggest killer of young

Australians, and each year accounts for the deaths of more young people than car accidents.

“While there is no substitute for professional help, checking on a friend can be a powerful step towards them seeking the support they need.”

The Check-in App can be downloaded from the App Store on iTunes or the Google Play store.