Hospital’s $43m expansion


ACT senator Zed Seselja, federal Health Minister Peter Dutton and the National Capital Private Hospital general manager Elizabeth Porritt turning the sod for the expansion.

ACT senator Zed Seselja, federal Health Minister Peter Dutton and the National Capital Private Hospital general manager Elizabeth Porritt turning the sod for the expansion. Photo: Jay Cronan

Construction on a $43 million redevelopment of National Capital Private Hospital is under way with the expansion set to deliver an extra 62 beds, three new operating theatres, an intensive care unit and create employment for 100 nurses, doctors and hospital staff.  

Federal Health Minister Peter Dutton said the redevelopment of the hospital in Garran, on the Canberra Hospital campus, was great news for the territory. 

“I believe very strongly that this boosts significantly the health services available in the ACT,” Mr Dutton said.

Mr Dutton said the expansion of National Capital Private Hospital would also help ease pressure on the ACT’s public hospitals.