Cost already a barrier for one in eight indigenous seeing a GP, COAG Reform Coucil warns


The report finds that three quarters of deaths of indigenous people under 75 were avoidable through early prevention or treatment.

The report finds that three quarters of deaths of indigenous people under 75 were avoidable through early prevention or treatment. Photo: Sasha Woolley

The Abbott government has been warned to think again on its Medicare co-payment, with a major study reporting that cost is already barrier for one in eight indigenous people seeing a GP.

The final report card of the COAG Reform Council also reveals that more than two out of five indigenous people delayed, or did not see, a dental professional due to cost, and one-third delayed, or did not fill, a prescription for the same reason.

In a blunt warning, the council chairman, John Brumby, has observed that much of the good work to close the gap on health outcomes could be undone if barriers are put up to healthcare access for indigenous people.

COAG Reform Council chairman John Brumby: “Who will do this in future?”

COAG Reform Council chairman John Brumby: “Who will do this in future?” Photo: Josh Robenstone

In a speech launching the report at an indigenous health summit in Melbourne on Thursday, Mr Brumby says when people start to avoid going to their primary or community care provider because of cost they often end up in hospital.