Health workers to hold pay rally (The West Australian)


Up to a thousand health workers will rally outside Parliament House today as part of their protest against the State Government’s inflation-linked wages policy.

Physiotherapists, radiographers, medical scientists, social workers, clerks and technicians are campaigning for a pay rise of 9 per cent over two years, which is well above the Government’s proposed annual increases of 2.75 per cent.

Public hospitals have rescheduled some outpatient services around the stoppage, which is set to last about two hours, and it is understood no in-patient services will be affected.

The Health Services Union is demanding the same pay rise for its members as given to doctors, nurses and support staff, who this year will get 3.75 per cent, 4 per cent and 4.25 per cent respectively.

HSUWA Secretary Dan Hill said it was important for the pay claim to reflect equity.

“They do not see why they should accept a rise of 2.75 per cent, when the person alongside them is getting much more,” he said.

Commerce Minister Michael Mischin said the Government did not intend to make an exception to its inflation-linked wages policy.

“A salary increase of just one per cent across the public sector adds some $100 million in recurrent expenditure to the Government’s budget,” he said.