LNP Government passes health staff and assets on to regions


HEALTH Minister Lawrence Springborg will today announce ownership of health buildings and employment responsibilities will be handed over to local health boards.

From July 1, local Hospital and Health Service (HSS) boards will have legal ownership of all health-related land and buildings, as well as prime responsibility for the employment of current and future staff.

Employees are employed by Queensland Health at present.

Mr Springborg said the move was part of the Government’s push to decentralise health.

“These further changes will place billions of dollars in local health assets under the direct control of local communities,’’ he said.

“Local accountability for their use and for the administration of health service staffing will extend this government’s commitment to a truly decentralised health system.’’

He said the change would not have a significant impact on staff, with Queensland Health Director-General Ian Maynard to remain responsible for setting statewide ­employment conditions.

“Existing employment conditions, including pay and superannuation arrangements, remain unchanged,’’ he said.

From July 1, property assets will be transferred to the Metro South, Metro North and Townsville HHS, with the other regions to follow during the next 12 months.

Employees will be transferred to the Gold Coast, Children’s Health Queensland, Metro North, Metro South, North West, Sunshine Coast, Townsville and West Moreton HHS on July 1, with the other health services to ­follow in 2015.

Metro South HHS chief executive Dr Richard Ashby said having the “decision making process return to a grassroots level’’ was welcome.