Doors open on Townsville GP Superclinic


By Isobel Roe

Townsville’s GP Superclinic will open today, seven years after the former federal government commissioned it.

The clinic on Charters Towers Road will include allied health care, pathology and a pharmacy.

The Federal Government originally denied the superclinic the ability to hire international medical graduates but a court has ordered it to review that decision.

The clinic’s director, Dr Evan Nicholls, says it will open, despite the continuing court case.

“They [international medical graduates] are an important part of the workforce, particularly in rural and regional areas … Townsville is one of those areas, so as things currently stand all of the doctors that we’ve employed will be working for us at the Townsville GP Superclinc,” he said.

“We would like their stay there to be permanent and that remains the only outstanding issue that we’ll need to sort out with the Federal Government.

“Our brief is also to be a mop-up service and deal with the areas that aren’t being well catered for in Townsville. We intend to do that.

“So basically anyone can come to us for any reason at any point in time and expect us to offer a good solution for their problem.”