Women take on heavy lifting


Getting right amount of carbohydrates, protein and fat is the key to healthy living. Courtesy CNN

WOMEN are ditching cardio workouts in favour of heavy weight training and supplement use.

Australian Institute of Fitness lead e-coach Solveig Litchfield said the number of women taking sports supplements had grown during the past few years.

“More women are taking sport supplements and seem to be catching up to men,” Ms Litchfield said.

She credits women no longer fearing protein and weight training, to being more knowledgeable on the topic.

“Women are getting more education that they just don’t have enough testosterone to get bulky and that taking supplements is less about getting bulky, but quick recovery and maximising their workout,” she said.

Schoolteacher turned personal trainer Samantha Galligan is a converted there but didn’t know much about them until she started her job at Australian Sports Nutrition Brisbane.

“I’ve learnt how supplements can help massive efforts with gym and training,” Ms Galligan said. “I can lift a lot heavier, I can perform better in the gym and I’m noticing more definition.”

She advises her clients to research what is best for them as the use of sports supplements is a personal decision.

“I think that diet is definitely key, so I’d tell them to drink lots of water and have a good diet but protein after a workout is the best way to repair those muscles.”

Personal trainer Sam Galligan (left) with her client, Holly McBrien, 23, show no fear as

Personal trainer Sam Galligan (left) with her client, Holly McBrien, 23, show no fear as they get stuck into a protein drink before a workout. Picture: Mark Cranitch

Nutrition Australia Queensland spokeswoman Aloysa Hourigan also said she had noticed a rise in women taking sports supplements.

She said that while effective if taken properly, women should be informed on the product they’re taking and what it is doing for them.

“If you’re trying to become a bit stronger and healthier, you probably don’t need to use supplements. It’s only really if you’re competing in something like bodybuilding that you might want protein supplements,” Ms Hourigan said.

“The advice from Nutrition Australia would be to make sure you have a healthy, balanced diet across the main five food groups and see a sports dietitian to help work out how much protein you need,” she said.