Abortions do not increase the risk of breast cancer


Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA) is deeply concerned by statements made by a Queensland MP about a link between abortions and breast cancer.

On 3 June 2014, Mrs Ostapovich MP made a number of references to small research studies in China, India and Bangladesh that claim the more abortions a woman has, the more likely she is to develop breast cancer.

These small research studies are not backed up by accepted, large, multi-national research studies. The Cancer Australia publication, Breast Cancer Risk Factors: a review of the evidence, confirms that there is no evidence of an association between abortion and breast cancer. The publication refers to a number of large research studies, including an analysis of 53 independent studies of over 80,000 women from 16 different countries.

BCNA is concerned that Mrs Ostapovich’s statements may cause unwarranted distress to women with breast cancer and their families. Women are not responsible for causing their breast cancer, and there is no reliable evidence to suggest that abortions increase the risk of developing breast cancer.

Women who would like to know more about reducing their risk of breast cancer may like to visit the Cancer Australia website,  for evidence-based information about genetic and familial risk, as well as lifestyle factors that may help to reduce their risk of developing breast cancer later in life.

More information

  • If this issue has caused any personal distress, you may like to consider calling the Cancer Council Helpline on 13 11 20 for advice.

Source:  Breast Cancer Network Australia