I am Queensland doctor and I will never forget how Qld health wasted 4 months of my life.


I signed my Qld health contract last night. For the time being, it is an end to a 4-month long chapter. A chapter full of ‘Not knowing’, ‘Not believing’, ‘Not trusting’, ‘Not liking’ and ‘Not living a normal life’! A chapter full of stress, disbelief, contingency planning and wasted hours.

At the end of this chapter, I have,
-no respect for those whose thoughts and actions caused the contract saga
-no trust in the healthcare system that I have signed to be a part of
-no sense of satisfaction from the end result

I have learnt a lot though!

-Learnt how much I enjoy my job
-Learnt the name of every single politician, journalist and professional/union group with any links to doctors
-Learnt a lot about social media, trending hash tags related to contracts and the IDs of those we had to follow to be on top of #keepourdoctors news
-Learnt the web address, the Facebook/twitter page and the schedule for every news channel and newspaper in Australia

Thanks to my all my friends, family, colleagues, patients and Qld public for all their support!

Source: Facebook