Qld nurse stabbed in face by patient


A NURSE has been reportedly stabbed in the face by an elderly male patient at a Queensland hospital.

The 88-year-old man is believed to have used a surgical instrument, possibly forceps or a clamp, to inflict the nasty injury.

Police say they’re investigating the alleged attack against the 37-year-old nurse, which happened about 3am Monday and left her with cuts and bruises.

The incident, at the Redcliffe Hospital in Brisbane’s bayside, has outraged the Queensland Nurses’ Union (QNU).

It will ask director-general of Queensland Health on Friday to review hospital safety policies.

“It was a very, very nasty injury and was totally unexpected from what we’ve been advised,” QNU secretary Beth Mohle told AAP.

“It is totally unacceptable.

“We will not allow it (violence against nurses) to become normalised, it’s not part of the job.”

Ms Mohle says while it is common for health staff to be verbally abused, physical attacks against them are rare.

“It highlights systematic issues and we need to be vigilant about violence towards health staff,” Ms Mohle said.

Metro North Hospital and Health Service says the victim has been treated and discharged.

The elderly patient is being monitored and security has been bulked up to ensure patient and staff safety.