Queensland tops progress in cutting emergency room waiting times with PA and RBWH out in front | News.com.au


The Princess Alexandra Hospital and the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital led the way in terms of the percentage of patients leaving the emergency department within four hours. The PA improved by 19 per cent from 2012 to 2013 and the RBWH by 17 per cent, the National Health Performance Authority report shows.The progress was mirrored in major regional hospitals, with Toowoomba (11 per cent), Nambour (11 per cent) and Townsville (10 per cent) in the top five nationally. Only one hospital – Bundaberg – went backwards, going from an 82 per cent success rate to 78 per cent. The report card comes as the National Emergency Access Target looms, which sets a goal for public hospitals of 90 per cent of all patients at emergency departments leaving within four hours by the end of 2015.