Greater Hume looks at local medical services


There is concern the stressful workload Riverina doctors are facing could deter practitioners from the region.

The Greater Hume Shire Council has commissioned a report into the provision of ongoing GP services in Holbrook and Culcairn, and urgent out of hours care across the region.

Two of the shire’s four GPs are nearing retirement.

General Manager, Steven Pinnuck, says the study looks at problems with attracting new doctors and how to retain their services long term.

Mr Pinnuck says a key focus is their current on-call arrangements.

“They’re on call pretty much 24 hours a day seven days a week,” he said.

“Now that’s not a lifestyle people including doctors find that attractive.

“It could be a tough gig if those working conditions are to remain in that way.

“One of the main aspects of the study as looking at whether we can develop strategies to provide them with a better work-life balance.”

Mr Pinnuck says the impediments in attracting doctors to the area must be addressed to ensure the hospital network remains viable, possibly through visiting doctors.

“What we are trying to do here is get ahead of the game and ensure that when the time comes, that those communities aren’t left without vital medical services,” he said.

“If there isn’t a GP in those towns and that GP hasn’t got visiting medical officer approval to attend the local hospital, we lose some of those acute care hospital and emergency services as well.”

The report is now being considered by local doctors, the Murrumbidgee Local Heath District and the Hume Medicare Local.