2014 AMA National Conference




The National Convention Centre, Canberra, 23-25 May 2014

National Conference Twitter hashtag: #amanc14

The 2014 AMA National Conference is taking place at The National Convention Centre, Canberra, from 23-25 May.

Speakers at the Conference include the Hon John Berry, US Ambassador to Australia; the Minister for Health, the Hon Peter Dutton MP; Shadow Minister for Health, the Hon Catherine King MP; and the President of the World Medical Association, Dr Margaret Mungherera.

There will be elections for the new AMA President and Vice President on Sunday morning.

Highlights of the Conference include:

Friday 23 May 2014

10.00am          Welcome to Country

Official Opening

President’s Welcome


Keynote Address – The Hon John Berry, US Ambassador


Health Minister, the Hon Peter Dutton MP


Shadow Health Minister, the Hon Catherine King MP


Presentation of the Medical Journal of Australia (MJA) Prize for Excellence in Medical Research

Presentation of the AMA Indigenous People’s Medical Scholarship – the scholarship provides support and encouragement for Indigenous students studying medicine

1.45pm            POLICY SESSION: The Global Challenge of non-Communicable Diseases


Professor Geoffrey Dobb


Professor Rob Moodie, Professor of Public Health, Melbourne School of Population Health

A/Professor Harry Minas, Head of the Global and Cultural Mental Health Unit, Melbourne School of Population Health

Professor Mike Daube, Director, Public Health Advocacy Institute


Presentation of inductees to the AMA Roll of Fellows


President’s Welcome Reception

Presentation of National Tobacco Scoreboard Achievement Award – awarded to the State or Territory Government that has done most in tobacco control over the past year

Presentation of the Dirty Ashtray Award – presented to the State or Territory Government that has failed to act on proven tobacco control activities

Presentation of the AMA Woman in Medicine Award

Presentation of the AMA Excellence in Healthcare Award

Presentation of AMA Media Awards (for media and lobbying activity by State and Federal AMAs)


Leadership Development Dinner, Australian War Memorial

Guest Speaker:

The Hon Dr Brendan Nelson

Saturday 24 May 2014

9.00am            POLICY SESSION: Practising Globally: Regional Challenges


Ms Anne Trimmer, AMA Secretary General


Dr Margaret Mungherera, President, World Medical Association

Sir Sabaratnam Arulkumaran, President, British Medical Assoc.

Professor Teerachai Chantarojanasiri, Vice President, Thailand Medical Association

10.00am          POLICY SESSION: Global Health Vocational Training: has its time come?


Dr Lloyd Nash – Founding Director, Global Ideas Forum


A/Prof Rosemary Aldrich, Director of Medical Services, Calvary Mater Newcastle

Dr Georgina Phillips, Australian Volunteer emergency doctor

Dr Suman Majumdar, infectious diseases physician

Dr Vincent Atua, Director, Medical Services and Emergency Department, Madang General Hospital, PNG

12 Noon          POLICY SESSION: The Health Budget

A discussion of the major health announcements in the 2014 Federal Budget


AMA President, Dr Steve Hambleton

Professor Elizabeth Geelhoed, Professor in health economics, University of WA School of                               Population

Dr Brian Morton AM, Chair, AMA Council of General Practice

2.15pm            POLICY SESSION: Variation in Medical Practice: are Australians getting world class health care


Dr Stephen Parnis, AMA Executive Councillor


Professor Anne Duggan, Senior Medical Adviser, Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care

Professor Michael Buist, Chair of Health Services, School of Medicine, University of Tasmania

Dr Rob Grenfell, Director of Cardiovascular Health, Heart Foundation


Presentation of President’s Award

The President’s Award is awarded in recognition of outstanding contributions to the AMA and the broader medical profession through years of dedicated service


Gala Dinner – The National Arboretum

Presentation of the AMA Gold Medal

The Gold Medal is the highest honour the Association can bestow. It is awarded to members of the profession who have rendered outstanding services to the Association, to the practice of medicine, or to the community.

Sunday 25 May 2014

9.00am            POLICY SESSION: Overseas Conflicts: the challenge of caring for those who serve


A/Professor Brian Owler – AMA Executive Councillor


Major General Professor Jeffrey Rosenfeld AM OBE, Director of Neurosurgery, Alfred Hospital

Dr Duncan Wallace, Commodore in Royal Australian Navy Reserves, Director General Naval Health Reserves

Lieutenant General Peter Leahy


Election of Office Bearers

President and Vice President

President’s Statement – Dr Steve Hambleton

Presentation by Australian Medical Students’ Association (AMSA) President, Ms Jessica Dean


Installation of new President and Executive


Conference concludes

**Media are welcome to attend the Conference. There will be a media work room and a room for media conferences and interviews. Please advise if you will be attending for the duration of the conference.

For further details on individual speakers, to make contact with speakers, to arrange interviews, or to obtain copies of presentations (when available), please contact Odette Visser on 0427 209 753.

The Twitter hashtag for the Conference is #amanc14