Rural doctors concerned about co-payment, cuts


The Rural Doctors Association is already hearing reports that some regional patients are avoiding the doctor, believing the $7 Medicare co-payment has already been introduced.

The association’s chief executive Jenny Johnson says introducing a co-payment for GP visits, pharmaceuticals and diagnostic services is likely to hit rural patients the hardest, because of the challenges that already exist in providing health care to people outside cities.

She says the co-payments will make life harder and more expensive for rural doctors too.

“We can’t see how there won’t be significant red tape, an administrative burden on rural practices that are already very busy.

“We also believe there will be a significant personal and financial pressure placed on rural doctors.

“It’s discretionary whether or not doctors charge the co-payment, and we believe that in rural areas where there are close-knit communities, they’re going to feel additional pressure to waive that co-payment.”

The Rural Doctors’ Association’s other main concern in this Budget is the axing of a rural placements program, which Ms Johnson says will mean fewer young doctors get rural work experience.

“As we understand it, the funding will be diverted to extra GP registrars. But those GP registrars have already decided that general practice is the career path for them, whereas if we have interns and junior doctors, they may not have decided on their career path,” she said.

“A positive rural experience might be just what they need to make them interested in rural general practice.”

Assistant Health Minister and NSW Nationals Senator Fiona Nash released a statement on Wednesday, saying the government had in fact delivered for rural and regional Australians in its tough Budget.

Senator Nash points to a doubling of the Practice Incentive Payment, for GPs who teach medical students, from $100 to $200 per session. The government has committed an additional $238 million over five years to the program.

Ms Johnson says that investment is certainly welcome, if overdue, and says that in a very tight Budget environment, the Rural Doctors’ Association welcomes the continuation of most rural health programs.

Senator Nash says the government is also committing $52.5 million for grants of up to $300,000 for rural GPs to upgrade their infrastructure and facilities, as well as $13.4 million to deliver 500 new scholarships, over three years, to target workforce shortages in regional and rural areas.