AMA Queensland calls for increased investment in preventative care


AMA Queensland President Dr Christian Rowan is calling for increased investment in preventative care and treatment for chronic complex diseases.

“For many Australians, their access to ongoing health care will be limited by the new GP co-payments introduced in the Federal Budget,” Dr Rowan said.

“We hope the State will be mindful of this and implement initiatives which seek to keep health care working in the best interest of patients.”

Dr Rowan said building a health care system that is both cost-effective and conducive to the best health outcomes for patients requires preventative measures and education.

“Some of the most deadly and costly diseases are caused or exacerbated by lifestyle choices. Education and early intervention reduces the likelihood of an individual developing diabetes, heart disease, obesity or smoking related illnesses.”

“Like any sound investment, the long-term health and fiscal benefits will outweigh the short-term costs.”

Dr Rowan said programs are also needed that target vulnerable groups including low-income families, Indigenous populations and rural Queenslanders.

“Due to recent cuts, the people most reliant on the health care system in Queensland often miss out. We urge the Government to renew its commitment to Closing the Gap and reversing cuts to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health services.”

“We need to make sure patients are being taken care of across the state. Currently, we know rural Queenslanders experience poorer health outcomes than those in cities. We support initiatives that encourage doctors to consider rural practice and ensure doctors in these areas are provided with ongoing support.”

AMA Queensland’s Budget Submission was developed in alignment with the 2013 Health Vision.

“The Health Vision was developed as a way to consult with members and identify their key concerns to guide our advocacy work going forward. These members know better than anyone what challenges our health care system faces and we sincerely hope this is taken into consideration in finalising the 2014-2015 State Budget.”

