Surgeon a celebrated doctor before operations called into question


The Queensland doctor at the centre of an investigation into botched operations was highly regarded before allegations of malpractice arose.

Dr Antonio Vega Vega completed his training as a urologist at the University Hospital Merques de Valdecilla in Spain, and in 1997 passed his European Board of Urology exam in London, before obtaining his PhD with honours in 2001, Queensland Health documents show.

He later moved to Australia and trained at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, as well as Nambour Hospital before gaining his Australian credentials.

Since 2001 he has practised privately at Rockhampton’s Mater Hospital and treated more than 800 patients.

During his time in Central Queensland he has also run a clinic for Queensland Health and last year travelled through regional Queensland to teach prostate health tips for the Prostrate Cancer Foundation of Australia.

In April last year Queensland Health celebrated his ability to offer urological services in the city.

However, last week one of his patients who had undergone a kidney operation in January last year returned to the Rockhampton hospital for more treatment.

According to Queensland Health Minister Lawrence Springborg it was found that Dr Vega Vega had allegedly removed the wrong

kidney,  sparking an investigation.At least four of Dr Vega Vega’s operations since he gained his Australian accreditation in 2011 are now under question.

Health authorities allege Dr Vega Vega inserted a stent into the wrong side of a patient in November 2011.

On April 24 this year he nicked a patient’s artery during surgery, Mr Springborg says authorities allege.

And health authorities also allege that in February the doctor misdiagnosed a patient with a twisted testicle, leading it to being removed.Three separate investigations have been launched into what happened,

both with Dr Vega Vega’s operations and within the culture of the Rockhampton hospital, which Central Queensland Hospital and Health Services chair Charles Ware said suffered from “systemic” issues.

Dr Vega Vega has voluntarily stepped down from his private practice.

Authorities say a review of his procedures and treatment at the private facility had “not revealed any unusual or concerning clinical outcomes”.

The Mater Rockhampton has released a statement saying it was not aware of “any complaints regarding his practice at this hospital”.

Dr Vega Vega is also a visiting medical officer at Hillcrest Rockhampton Private Hospital, where is in on leave.

 Source: Brisbane Times