Newman Government continues to privatise health services


Shadow Health Minister Jo-Ann Miller said the Newman Government’s plan to privatise Queensland Health was continuing, this time for services planned at the new Queensland Children’s Hospital.

“News today that the Newman Government’s ‘outsourcing’ of health services at the Queensland Children’s Hospital is very disturbing,” Mrs Miller said.

“It could mean 100 more health job cuts under the LNP, as well the deterioration of workers’ rights and conditions. Its just another example of Campbell Newman’s plan to fully privatise health services in this state.

“You don’t just need doctors and nurses to run our hospitals, even though the Newman Government has relentlessly attacked frontline health staff over the last two years.

“Non-clinical staff like kitchen workers and ward staff are critical to the running of our hospitals. They deserve to be treated a lot better than they are under Campbell Newman.

“By privatising Queensland Health, as this Government seems intent on doing, we put our entire public health system at risk.

“The ‘Americanisation’ of our health system will lead to less services for patients, especially for low income families.

“Whether this example of privatisation is a strategy to slash workers’ pay and conditions by stealth, or an attempt to reduce services altogether, it needs to be immediately reviewed by Queensland Health and the Newman Government.

“The Government also needs to come clean about its privatisation plans and hospitals and health facilities right across the state. Does the government intend outsource every clinical support job across the state? Or just those in new hospitals like the Children’s and at the Sunshine Coast?”
