Stanthorpe Hospital perfect learning grounds


FOR a group of budding doctors, Stanthorpe Hospital is the perfect place to apply their knowledge.

As part of the Queensland Rural Medical Outlook Program, a small number of Griffith University medical students are undertaking a 12-month placement at the local hospital.

The hands-on element of rural hospitals has proven to be a growing incentive for city-based students to head west to further their careers.

One student, 22-year-old Daina Waugh, always wanted to experience rural medical practice, and has no regrets about deciding to move to Stanthorpe.

“I was really interested in rural medicine,” she said.

“The experience so far has been amazing.

“The doctors here are all amazing, and wonderful teachers as well.”

Ms Waugh even committed to staying in Stanthorpe for a second stint in 2015, saying the big city medical experience was not as enticing.

“From what I’ve heard about the bigger cities, student doctors are more spectators,” Ms Waugh said.

“I am more of a hands-on learner.”

During their placements, the students receive practical training while working with a team of experienced local doctors and specialists.

They are also encouraged to engage with the community, and have so far enjoyed their country change.

“I’m from the Gold Coast so it’s a different living style but it’s good,” Ms Waugh said.

Students who participate in the program are given placements in either Stanthorpe, Warwick, Kingaroy or Dalby.

Source: Warwick Daily News