Health Minister acting with indecent haste


Queensland Parliamentary Leader of the Palmer United Party, Dr Alex Douglas MP says Health Minister Lawrence Springborg is acting with indecent haste by claiming the doctors’ dispute over his flawed contracts is over.

“As always with anything the Health Minister says, the truth is quite different,” he said.

“Doctors still have to formally agree to the, as yet, undrafted new contracts from Queensland Health.

“In principle, doctors have now accepted the Minister’s new approach to face to face fair negotiation, legislated fair contracts and reasonable terms regarding timing to sign.

“Already we have lost great doctors from our system and we will lose more due to the uncertainty of their future up to date.

“This is all the fault of Minister Springborg and Premier Campbell Newman on behalf of the LNP Government.

“Beyond the loss of trust between doctors and government,  there has been a premium cost to all Queenslanders as a result of this debacle.

“This was a health crisis we did not deserve nor did we need.

“Sadly, the  real cost has been to patients whose health care  has been used as lever by the government in the same way that the Health Minister is now indecently attempting to state that this crisis that he created 9 months ago has ended prematurely.

“In reality it ends when the final contracts are signed, and as always it is not over until ‘the fat lady sings’.”
