Have your say on Telehealth in Queensland


Have your say on Telehealth in Queensland #qldpol #smoqld

The Queensland Parliament’s Health and Community Services Committee is inquiring into telehealth services in the state.

Member for Gaven, Dr Alex Douglas MP, is a committee member and urges people who have experiences with public sector telehealth to make a submission by May 5.

“The committee is interested in hearing from patients, family, carers, clinicians and organisations about their experiences with public sector telehealth,” he said.

“Our committee would like to know what it’s like to use telehealth, what are the barriers to using telehealth and if you need to travel to health care, might telehealth help you?

“The public is welcome to join a forum or public hearing with the committee.”

Details are available from http://www.parliament.qld.gov.au/work-of-committees/committees/HCSC/inquiries/current-inquiries/InquiryTelehealth