ANZCA response to Qld dispute – update


ANZCA response to Qld dispute – update #qldpol #smoqld #keepourdoctors

Specialist training and healthcare standards for Queenslanders may be compromised by the current industrial dispute.

Many Fellows and trainees are following the dispute between the Queensland government and its medical workforce over the introduction of new individual contracts for senior doctors in Queensland public hospitals. There is talk of mass resignations by specialists and the College has received numerous emails from concerned trainees and Fellows.

Trainees should ensure their training portfolio system (TPS) records are up to date and that they have undertaken the necessary workplace-based assessments (WBAs).

The College, including the Faculty of Pain Medicine, is advocating for training and standards and has a contingency plan should accreditation and training be impacted. Our activities are in two main areas.

  1. 1-AdvocacyĀ about training and standards.
  2. 2-Contingency planning should training and accreditation be threatened.


If you have not received important College communications about this issue, please make sure we have your up to date contact details via the My ANZCA portal.

ANZCA recognises that there isĀ  a lot of uncertainty for many trainees and Fellows. Information about welfare and support can be found here.

This webpage will be updated as the situation changes.


Advocacy about training and standards

Paramount to the Collegeā€™s response is patient safety, standards of clinical care, the welfare of ANZCA and FPM trainees and Fellows, and the integrity of their training and supervision. The College has warned of the need to make sure that training, safety (for patients and trainees) and standards of care for Queenslanders are not damaged by the current dispute.

Actions so far:

If you have not received important College communications about this issue, please make sure we have your up to date contact details via the My ANZCA portal.

Contingency planning

ANZCA’s president and executive committee have engaged key Fellows and committee members to lead our further response in the areas of:


Training hospitals are required to meet the accreditation standards in seven key areas that contribute to safe and high quality training and patient care:

  • -Quality patient care.
  • -Clinical experience.
  • -Supervision.
  • -Supervisory roles and assessment.
  • -Education and teaching.
  • -Facilities.
  • -Clinical governance.

For more information see:

ā€¢-Accreditation standards in theĀ ANZCA Handbook for Training and Accreditation (chapter 34 page 185).

ā€¢-Accreditation standards for FPM.

If you become aware that accreditation standards are compromised, please contact the Queensland Regional Committee via the ANZCA Queensland office


Many trainees are understandably anxious that their training will be affected, particularly as the situation is largely outside their control. Trainees are particularly concerned about supervision and clinical experience being reduced, adequate WBAs, and TPS sign-off.

Professor Barry Baker, ANZCA’s Dean of Education, is working on how the College can minimise disruptions to training and how particular scenarios would be handled. However, many of the issues, like clinical experience, are outside the Collegeā€™s control (which is why advocacy for a resolution of the situation is crucial).

Trainees should act now to ensure their TPS records are up to date and that they have undertaken the necessary WBAs.

More information:

If you have not received important College communications about this issue, please make sure we have your up to date contact details. These can be updated here.

Source: ANZCA