Queensland public specialists hopeful of a resolution to doctors’ contract row with Newman Government


Queensland public specialists hopeful of a resolution to doctors’ contract row with Newman Government  #qldpol #smoqld #keepourdoctors

THE State Government is investigating threats against doctors who have signed contracts with Queensland Health.

And members of Health Minister Lawrence Springborg’s own negotiating team have been intimidated by menacing emails, The Courier-Mail can reveal.

“You and your fellow turncoats, who have turned their backs on our noble profession, will be dealt with when all of this is finished,’’ one email message says.

“Your career will be in tatters and you will be unemployable.’’

Checks found the name of the sender who purported to be a doctor was a fake.

Another email described a senior public servant as “a piece of garbage” and warned a doctor: “Oh, and by the way, if I were you I’d be looking for another job somewhere in Latvia – because you will be unemployable anywhere else.”

Some doctors are considering making formal complaints to police.

Queensland Health director-general Ian Maynard said he was appalled by the content of some messages.

“They contain highly threatening language and I simply can’t believe they were written by doctors,’’ he said.

“I just can’t believe a doctor would write such a bullying letter like that to a colleague.’’

Mr Maynard confirmed private firms providing locums had also been threatened not to supply doctors to hospitals in the event of resignations.

He said firms had been threatened with reprisals.

However, a Queensland Health source said he believed more doctors had signed up than resigned.


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Source: Courier Mail