Redland Hospital doctors told not to sign contracts


Redland Hospital doctors told not to sign contracts #qldpol #smoqld #keepourdoctors

REDLAND Hospital doctors say they have been advised not to sign the state government’s contracts for Senior and Visiting Medical Officers in Queensland public hospitals.

Doctors at the hospital met with lawyers during the week after the state government announced amendments to proposed legislation on Tuesday.

They said they had lost faith in the government after Health Minister Lawrence Springborg on Tuesday said any amended legislation would not adversely affect individual contracts.

Mr Springborg unveiled a range of concessions as part of the new contract framework.

He said the Hospital and Health Boards Amendment Bill 2014 would not impact on a doctor’s contract except where increased remuneration or improved benefits were provided.

He urged senior and visiting medical officers to discuss the contracts with their hospital and health service and sign the contracts by April 30.

But Redland Hospital senior medical officer Dr Michael Cameron said the government was being disingenuous and backpedalling by amending the proposed legislation at the last moment.

Dr Cameron said he was concerned about the deadline date of April 30 and young doctors undergoing training at the hospital if senior doctors refused to sign the proposed contracts.

He called for the return to current award conditions with the inclusion of the allowance previously called Right of Private Practice and a return to negotiations with people respected by both sides.

Source: Bayside Bulletin